Our People

The Center is a community of scholars, students, and practitioners from across the country, located in Indianapolis but with a national reach.

Our Staff

Philip Goff

Executive Director

Joseph L. Tucker Edmonds

Associate Director

Lauren (Chism) Schmidt

Programs and Operations Manager

Ben Bland

Communications Manager

Nathaniel Wynne

Program Coordinator

Claire Larsen

Communications Coordinator

Melissa Borja

Community Scholar

Thomas J. Davis

Project Director

Arthur E. Farnsley

Project Director

Raymond Haberski, Jr.

Project Director

Brian Steensland

Project Director

Peter J. Thuesen

Project Director

Andrew L. Whitehead

Project Director

Ellie Ash

Postdoctoral Researcher

Meghan Bowen

Postdoctoral Researcher

Fellows and Collaborators

Zaid Adhami

Fellow, YSAR
Williams College

Asma Afsaruddin

Professor of Middle eastern Langauges and Cultures and International Studies
Indiana University Bloomington
Qur’anic Hermeneutics; Islamic Thought; Contemporary American Muslims

Andrew Ali Aghapour

Religion &
Scholar and Comedian

Catherine Albanese

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
University of California, Santa Barbara

Tazeen Ali

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor in the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics
Washington University in St. Louis
American Islam; Islam and Gender; Muslims and Popular Culture

Nancy T. Ammerman

Fellow, Biennial
Professor Emerita
Boston University
Congregational Studies; Lived Religion; Evangelicalism

Salah Ansary

Religion &
Lutheran Community Services Northwest

Ellie Ash

Postdoctoral Researcher
Indiana University Indianapolis

Jonathan Baer

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religion
Wabash College
American Religion; Church History; Sociology of Religion

Julius Bailey

Fellow, YSAR
University of Redlands

Shelby Balik

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Early American Religion; Families and Households; Church and State

Lloyd D. Barba

Fellow, YSAR
Amherst College
Latino Religion; Race & Immigration; Sanctuary; Pentecostals & Catholics

Sarah Barringer Gordon

Religion &
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School

Diana Butler Bass

Fellow, YSAR
Independent Scholar

Molly Bassett

Religion &
Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of Religious Studies
Georgia State University
Mesoamerican Religions; Concepts of Deity; Applied Religious Studies

Amanda J. Baugh

Fellow, YSAR, Religion &, Biennial
Associate Professor
California State University, Northridge
Religion, Race, and Environment; Environmental Justice

Chad M. Bauman

Biennial, Fellow
Professor of Religion
Butler University
Hinduism; Hindu and Christian Identity

Brandon Bayne

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Religion in the Americas; Latinx Religion; Borderlands; Missionary-Indigenous Encounter

Timothy Beal

Religion &
Distinguished University Professor; Florence Harkness Professor of Religion; Director of h.lab?
Case Western Reserve University

Lori G. Beaman

Religion &, Fellow, YSAR
University of Lethbridge

Courtney Bender

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, Biennial, YSAR
Columbia University

James Bennett

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Santa Clara University
AmAnticult Movement; Religion and Race; Religion in the American West

Lila Berman

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of History
Temple University
American Jewish History

Evan Berry

Religion &
Arizona State University

Ben Bland

Communications Manager
Indiana University Indianapolis

Anne Blankenship

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
North Dakota State University
U.S. Immigration; Asian American History; Christianity in America; Pilgrimage

Joseph Blankholm

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
Secularism, Atheism, American Religion, the Nones

Annie Blazer

Religion &
College of William and Mary

Edward Blum

Fellow, YSAR
San Diego State University
Religion; Race; American History

Vaughn A. Booker

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor of Religion and African and African American Studies
University of Pennsylvania
African American Religions; Authority; Civil Rights; Popular Culture

Melissa Borja

Staff, Biennial, YSAR, Fellow, Religion &
Community Scholar
University of Michigan
Migration, Religion, Asian American Studies, US Politics, Oral History

Jacob Boss

Religion &
Queen's University at Kingston

Joy Bostic

Religion &
Case Western Reserve University

Meghan Bowen

Postdoctoral Researcher
Indiana University Indianapolis

Kate Bowler

Fellow, Biennial, Religion &, YSAR
Duke University

Matthew Bowman

Religion &
Claremont Graduate University
New Religious Movements; UFOs; Mormonism; Religion and Business

Daniel Bowman

Religion &
Taylor University

Ann B. Braude

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
Director of the Women's Studies in Religion Program and Senior Lecturer on American Religious History
Harvard Divinity School
The Religious History of American Women; Religion and Modern Art; Native American Studies

Stephanie Brehm

Religion &
Northwestern University

Catherine Brekus

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
Harvard Divinity School

Candy Gunther Brown

Professor of Religious Studies
Indiana University
Religion; Church History; American History

Robert Brown

Fellow, YSAR
James Madison University
Religion in Early America; Bible in America; Evangelicalism

Tricia Bruce

Fellow, Biennial
Sociologist, Center for the Study of Religion and Society
Independent Scholar
Catholicism; Community; Organizations; Culture

Cara Lea Burnidge

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
University of Northern Iowa
Religion and U.S. Politics; Foreign Relations

Rudy V. Busto

University of California Santa Barbara

Jon Butler

Yale University
American Religious History

Anthea Butler

Biennial, Religion &
University of Pennsylvania

Julie Byrne

Fellow, Biennial, Editor, YSAR
Hartman Chair of Catholic Studies and Professor of Religion
Hofstra University
US Religion; Catholicism; African American Religions

Wendy Cadge

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of the Humanistic Social Sciences; Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences; Professor of Sociology
Bryn Mawr College
Sociology; Religion; Spiritual Care; Chaplaincy

Peter Cajka

Fellow, YSAR
University of Notre Dame

Richard J. Callahan, Jr.

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
Gonzaga University
Labor; Oceanic Studies; Appalachia; Popular Culture; Method & Theory

William Calvo-Quirós

University of Michigan
Digital Religious Studies; Migration; Latina/o/x Religious Studies; Love

Heidi A. Campbell

Texas A&M University
Media, Religion, & Culture; Digital Religion; Emerging Technology Ethics

Candi Cann

Religion &
Baylor University

Christopher D. Cantwell

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Assistant Professor of Digital and Public History
Loyola University Chicago
Evangelicalism; Fundamentalism; Memory, Museums; Public History; Digital Humanities

Jennifer Caplan

Fellow, Religion &, YSAR
Assistant Professor
University of Cincinnati
American Judaism and popular culture

Bret Carroll

Biennial, Religion &
California State University, Stanislaus

Katherine Carte

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
Southern Methodist University
Early American Religion; American Revolution; Atlantic Religion

Heath Carter

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Associate Professor of American Christianity
Princeton Theological Seminary
Race; Reform; Class; Inequality; Nationalism; Public Life

Erik Carter

Baylor University
Religion and Disability

Christopher Carter

Religion &
University of San Diego

Beth Cate

Religion &
Indiana University Bloomington

Soulit Chacko

Fellow, Religion &
Postdoctoral Fellow
Boise State University
Local History; Immigration; Gender

Ava Chamberlain

Fellow, YSAR
Professor, Department of Religion
Wright State University
American Religious History; Religion in Colonial America; Jonathan Edwards; Women and Gender History

Patricia Mei Yin Chang

Fellow, YSAR
Independent Scholar

João B. Chaves

Baylor University

Yvonne Chireau

Religion &, Fellow, YSAR
Swarthmore College
African American and Africana Religions

Samah Choudhury

Religion &
Assistant Professor of Religioun and Philosophy
University of Chicago
Islam in the U.S.; Racialization; Gender; Humor; Comedy; Secularism

Emily Suzanne Clark

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Gonzaga University
American Religious History; African American Religious History; American Spiritualism

Kristel Clayville

Religion &
Technology Ethics Lecturer in the Computer Science Department
University of Illinois-Chicago
Religious ethics; computer science; A.I ethics

Ryon Cobb

Religion &
Rutgers University

Charles Cohen

University of Wilsconsin-Madison

Jonathan Coley

Oklahoma State University
Religion; Social Movements; Politics; Education; Gender and Sexuality

John Corrigan

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, Biennial
Lucius Moody Bristol Distinguished Professor of Religion, Professor of History, and Distinguished Research Professor
Florida State University
American religious history; religion and emotion; religious intolerance; spatial humanities

Douglas E. Cowan

Religion &
Professor of Religious Studies
University of Waterloo

Joe Creech

Fellow, YSAR
Director, Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts
Valparaiso University
Intersections of American Religious; Political, Economic; Cultural History; Populism

Matthew J. Cressler

Fellow, Religion &, YSAR
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Independent Scholar
African American Religion; Catholicism; Anti/Racism; Horror; Comics

Kathleen Sprows Cummings

Fellow, YSAR
University of Notre Dame

Heather Curtis

Fellow, YSAR
Tufts University
American Religious History; Race & Religion; Religious Humanitarians

David Daniels

McCormick Theological Seminary

Thomas J. Davis

Staff, Editor
Project Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
Protestant Reformation; American Religious History; Philanthropy

Keri Day

Biennial, Fellow
Princeton Theological Seminary

Betty A. DeBerg

Fellow, YSAR
University of Northern Iowa

Sarah Dees

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor
Iowa State University
Native American Religions; Museums; Race and Empire; Method and Theory

Amy DeRogatis

Fellow, Biennial
Michigan State University
Religion, Sex, and Gender; Religion in North America; Religion and Sound

Dennis C. Dickerson

Fellow, Biennial
Reverend James M. Lawson Chair in History
Vanderbilt University
American and African American Religion History; The Civil Rights Movement

Paul Djupe

Fellow, Biennial
Associate Professor
Denison University
American Religion and Politics; Public Opinion; Political Behavior

Darren Dochuk

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Associate Professor of History
University of Notre Dame
20th Century US History; History of US Religion and Politics; History of Energy

Jamil W. Drake

Fellow, Religion &, Biennial, YSAR
Yale Divinity School

Janine Giordano Drake

Fellow, YSAR
Clinical Assistant Professor of History
Indiana University Bloomington
Labor & Working-Class; Gender; Citizenship; Welfare; Race & Ethnicity

Carol B. Duncan

Wilfrid Laurier University

Madeline Duntley

Fellow, YSAR
Bowling Green State University
Esoteric Mt. Shasta; Nature Spirits; Angels/Devas; Indigeneity & Crime

Helen Rose Ebaugh

University of Houston

Jonathan Ebel

Fellow, YSAR, YSAR Mentor
University of Illinois

Penny Edgell

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR Mentor
Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Minnesota
Cultural sociology; American religion; sociology of religion; religion in public life; gender; race

Korie L. Edwards

The Ohio State University

Caleb Elfenbein

Religion &
Professor of History and Religious Studies; Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Grinnell College
Diversity; Religion; History

Omri Elisha

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
New York University
Anthropology of Religion; Evangelicalism; Christianity; Astrology; Ritual; Media; Ethnography

Maggie Elmore

Sam Houston State University

Michael O. Emerson

Fellow, YSAR
Rice University

Erika Engstrom

Religion &
University of Kentucky
Religion in Television Fiction; Catholicism; Religion and Horror

Steven Epperson

Fellow, YSAR
Independent Scholar

Christopher Evans

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of the History of Christianity
Boston University
American Religious History; History of Christianity; U.S. Protestantism

Arthur E. Farnsley

Staff, Religion &, Biennial
Project Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
American Religion; Civil Society

Maura Jane Farrelly

Fellow, YSAR
Brandeis University
American Catholicism; Colonial and Early American History

Tony Fels

Fellow, YSAR
University of San Fransico

Tracy Fessenden

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR Mentor, Editor, YSAR
Arizona State University
religion, literature, music, and other arts; religion and politics; secularization and secularity

Martha Finch

Fellow, YSAR
Southwest Missouri State University

Roger Finke

Fellow, Biennial
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Religious Studies and International Affairs
Penn State University
Religion and State Issues

Linford D. Fisher

Fellow, YSAR
Brown University

Kathleen Flake

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Bushman Professor of Mormon Studies
University of Virginia
American Religion; Religion and Law; Marginalized Religious Movements; Mormonism; Religious Studies

Spencer Fluhman

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of History
Brigham Young University
History of Christianity; American Religion; Latter-day Saints

Amanda Friesen

Religion &
Associate Professor of politcal studies; Canada Research Chair in Political Psychology Director; The Body Politics Lab
University of Western Ontario
Political communication; Gender and politics; Religion; Religion and politics

Paul Froese

Fellow, Biennial
University of Washington - Seattle
Religion; Politics; Ideology; and Culture

Jacqui Frost

Purdue University

Seth Emmanuel Gaiters

University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Sally Gallagher

Oregon State University

Kathleen Garces-Foley

Fellow, Biennial
Professor of Religious Studies
Marymount University
Spirituality; Young Adults; Secularism; Hospice; Funerals

Ben Garcia

Religion &
The American LGBTQ+ Museum

Erika E. Gault

Biennial, Religion &
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture

Karin E. Gedge

Fellow, YSAR
West Chester University

Katharine Gerbner

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of History
University of Minnesota
History of Religion; Atlantic Religions; Early America, Caribbean, Africana Religions

James German

Fellow, YSAR
SUNY Potsdam

John Giggie

Fellow, YSAR
University of Alabama

Jon Ivan Gill

Religion &
Gustavus Adolphus College

W. Clark Gilpin

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
Margaret E. Burton Professor, emeritus
University of Chicago
History of modern Christianity; Literature

Kathryn Gin Lum

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
Stanford University
American religion; religion and race

Matthew Glass

South Dakota State University

Rebecca A. Goestz

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of History
New York University
race, slavery, and colonialism

Philip Goff

Staff, Editor, Religion &, YSAR
Executive Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
American Religious History; Religion and American Culture

Marion Goldman

Fellow, Biennial
Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Religious Studies
University of Chicago
Minority Religions; Gender and Religion; Theory

Henry Goldschmidt

Fellow, YSAR
Independent Scholar

Philipp Gollner

Fellow, YSAR
Goshen College

Rosemary D. Gooden

Fellow, YSAR
DePaul University

Eric K. Gormly

Fellow, YSAR
Arizona State University

Rebecca Kneale Gould

Fellow, YSAR
Middlebury College

Jennifer Graber

Fellow, YSAR, YSAR Mentor
Professor of Religious Studies
University of Texas at Austin
Native American Religions; Religion and Violence; Religion and Empire

Brett Grainger

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor
Villanova University
Evangelicalism; nature religion; metaphysical religion and "spiritual but not religious"

Michael Graziano

Fellow, YSAR
University of Northern Iowa
U.S. Religion & Law; Education; National Security

Alison Greene

Fellow, YSAR
Emory University

Zareena Grewal

Fellow, Biennial
Assoc Prof
Yale University
Islam in the US; transnational religion

R. Marie Griffith

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, Biennial
John C. Danforth Distinguished Professor in the Humanities
Washington University in St. Louis
History of American Religion; Gender, and Sexuality; Religion and Politics

Rachel B. Gross

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor, John & Marcia Goldman Professor of American Jewish Studies
San Francisco State University
U.S. Jewish History; U.S. Religion and Culture

Matthew J. Grow

Fellow, YSAR
History Office at LDS

Jennifer Guiliano

Religion &
Indiana University Indianapolis

Richard Gunderman

Fellow, Religion &
Chancellor's Professor
Indiana University Indianapolis
Medical education; Philanthropy; Medical humanities

Leah Gunning Francis

Religion &
Indiana University Health

Joshua Guthman

Fellow, YSAR
Berea College

Paul Gutjahr

Professor of English
Indiana University Bloomington
American religious tradtions; Bible Studies; Literature

Raymond Haberski, Jr.

Staff, Religion &
Project Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
Intellectual History; Twentieth Century U.S History

David Hall

Harvard Divinity School

Charles Hambrick-Stowe

Congregational Church, Ridgefield CT

Everett Hamner

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of English
University of Iowa
literature; film; religion; science; politics

Clarence Hardy

Fellow, YSAR
Yale Divinity School

Keith Harper

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Senior Professor of Baptist Studies
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Baptist history (general); Baptists and Race; hermeneutics

David Harrington Watt

Fellow, Biennial
Douglas and Dorothy Steere Professor of Quaker Studies
Haverford College
Protestantism; Quakerism;Evangelicalism

Melanie L. Harris

Religion &
Professor of Religion and Ethics
Wake Forest Divinity School

Meredith Olivia Harris Hope

Religion &
College of Wooster

Cooper Harriss

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor
Indiana University Bloomington
Literature; Music; Sport

Paul Harvey

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial, YSAR Mentor
Professor of History
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
race and religion in American history

John Hayes

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of History
Augusta College
late 19th-20th century US South

Sonia Hazard

Florida State University

Matthew Hedstrom

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Associate Professor, Religious Studies and American Studies
University of Virginia
Post-Protestantism; Spirituality; Cosmopolitanism; Politics

Michael P. Hemenway

Religion &
Case Western Reserve University

Brett Hendrickson

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Profess of Religious Studies
Lafayette College
Mexican American Religious History; Religion in the American West; Religion and Healing

Patricia Snell Herzog

Melvin Simon Chair and Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies
Indiana University Indianapolis
Charitable Giving; Youth Religiosity; Emerging Adults in America

Darrius Hills

Religion &, Fellow, YSAR
Grinnell College
Black Religious Thought; Masculinity; Religion and Race in America

Bruce Hindmarsh

Fellow, Religion &, YSAR
James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology and Professor of the History of Christianity
Regent College
History of Christian Spirituality; History of Early Evangelicalism

Kathleen Holscher

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Associate Professor and Endowed Chair of Catholic Studies
University of New Mexico
U.S. Catholic history; church-state relations; race and settler colonialism

Kristina Horn Sheeler

Religion &
Indiana University Indianapolis

Daniel Howe

Professor Emeritus
University of California Berkeley
US religious; intellectual, and cultural history

Justine Howe

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Case Western Reserve University
Islam in America; Anthropology of Religion; Gender and Sexuality

Lydia Huffman Hoyle

Fellow, YSAR
Campbell University

James Hudnut-Beumler

Fellow, Biennial
Anne Potter Wilson Distinguished Professor of American Religious History
Vanderbilt University
19th and 20th Century religion and economics, politics, and southern culture

Micah A. Hughes

Fellow, Religion &
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Religion; Secularism; Higher Education; Civil Society in modern Turkey and the United States

Lucia Hulsether

Religion &, YSAR
Skidmore College

Judith Hunter

Fellow, YSAR
State University of New York at Geneseo

Elizabeth Shakman Hurd

Northwestern University

Susan Hyatt

Professor and Chair of Anthropology
Indiana University Indianapolis
Jewish immigration and movement

Sarah Imhoff

Fellow, Religion &
Indiana University Bloomington
Judaism; American Religion; Gender; Sexuality; Race; Disability

Courtney Irby

Fellow, YSAR
Illinois Wesleyan University

Charles Irons

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of History and Chair, Dept. of History and Geography
Elon University
19th-Century US; US South; African American History and Memory

Charles Israel

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs / Assoc. Prof. of History
Auburn University
History and Religion in the U.S. South; Religion and Education

Andrea R. Jain

Fellow, Religion &
Associate Professor of Religoius Studies
Indiana University Indianapolis
Contemporary Spirituality; Hitorsy of yoga and modern yoga; Intersection between gender, race, religion and yoga

Randal Maurice Jelks

Religion &
Indiana University Bloomington
American Studies; African American Studies

Elizabeth L. Jemison

Fellow, YSAR
Clemson University
Religion, Race, & Gender; White Christian Racism; Southern Religion

Sylvester A. Johnson

Fellow, Religion &, Biennial, YSAR, YSAR Mentor
Assistant Vice Provost for the Humanities and Director, Center for Humanities
University of West Virginia
Africana Religions; Technology; Race; Empire; AI

Andre E. Johnson

Fellow, Biennial, Religion &
Associate Professor
University of Memphis
Religious Rhetoric; Black Church; Rhetoric, Race, and Religion

Emily Johnson

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor of History
Ball State University
Gender and sexuality in U.S history; Religion; Politics; Popular culture

Khyati Joshi

Fellow, Religion &, YSAR Mentor, Biennial, YSAR
Farleigh Dickinson University
Social Justice Education; Religion and Race in America

Kathleen M. Joyce

Fellow, YSAR
Duke University

Hillary Kaell

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Associate Professor
McGill University
Christianity; United States; Quebec; material and sensory culture; global travel and imaginaries

Conrad Kanagy

Fellow, YSAR
Elizabethtown College

Paula Kane

Fellow, Biennial
Professor and Marous Chair of Catholic Studies
University of Pittsburgh
American Religion; Catholicism; Religion, Film, and the Arts; Capitalism and Religion

Brennan Keegan

College of Charelston

Sheila Kennedy

Professor of Law and Public Policy
Indiana University Indianapolis
Charity; Law; Politics; History

Gale Kenny

Fellow, Biennial
Assistant Professor
Barnard College
Religion and social and political activism; Protestant missionaries; gender and racial formations

Ariela Keysar

Fellow, Biennial
Senior Fellow, Public Policy and Law Program
Trinity College
Demography of religion and secularism; Jewish millennials; survey methodology; longitudinal studies

Su’ad Abdul Khabeer

University of Michigan

Khadija Khaja

Associate Professor of Social Work
Indiana University Indianapolis
Muslim communities; Islamophobia; Whie Nationalism and it's impact; social work; spirituality

Nancy A. Khalil

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Muslims; ethnography; religion; racialization; advertising

Thomas Kidd

Fellow, YSAR
Vardaman Distinguished Professor of History
Midwestern Theological Seminary
Religion in early America

Helen Jin Kim

Fellow, YSAR
Emory University

David King

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of Philanthripic Studies
Indiana University Indianapolis; The Lake Institute of Faith and Giving
American religious history; Global faith communities; Religious identity of faith-based nonprofits

Pamela Klassen

University of Toronto

Philippa Koch

Fellow, YSAR, Religion &
Assistant Professor
Missouri State University
Religion and Medicine; Religion in Early America and the Atlantic World; Body and Sexuality

Amy Koehlinger

Fellow, YSAR
Oregon State University

Joseph Kip Kosek

Fellow, YSAR
Independent Scholar

Suzanna Krivulskaya

California State University, San Marcos
Religion; Sexuality; Gender; LGBTQ

Adrienne Krone

Fellow, YSAR
Department of Environmental Science and Sustainability and Department of Religious Studies
Allegheny College

Elizabeth Kryder-Reid

Professor of Anthropology and Museum Studies
Indiana University Indianapolis
Toxic Heritage; Religion and Heritage; California Missions; Museums

Jaime Kucinskas

Hamilton College
Morality; Spirituality & Religious Culture; Social Change

Prema Kurien

Fellow, Biennial
Professor of Sociology
Syracuse University
Immigrants and immigration; Race and ethnicity; civic and political activism

Gary Laderman

Religion &
Goodrich C. White Professor of American Religious History and Cultures
Emory University

Chris Lamb

Religion &
Indiana University Indianapolis

Claire Larsen

Communications Coordinator
Indiana University Indianapolis

Anna M. Lawrence

Fellow, YSAR
Fairfield University

K. Elise Leal

Whitworth University

Tracy Leavelle

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
Creighton University

Laura Levitt

Fellow, Religion &, YSAR Mentor, Editor, YSAR
Professor of Religion, Jewish Studies, and Gender
Temple University
American Jewish Life; Gender; Trauma; Holocaust; Memory; Material and Visual Culture

Rachel Lindsey

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Assistant Professor
St. Louis University
Visual and Material Cultures of Religion; Religion and Public Life; Race; Digital Humanities

Edward T. Linenthal

Indiana University Blooomington

Kathryn Lofton

Fellow, YSAR, YSAR Mentor, Biennial
Professor, Chair, Dean
Yale University
Religion and popular culture; Religion and sexuality; Method and theory in the study of religion

Dana Logan

University of North Carolina Greensboro

Kathryn Long

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor Emerita; independent scholar
Wheaton College
19th and 20th century American evangelicalism; evangelical missions in Latin America; revivals in US

Mike Long

Religion &
Elizabethtown College

Krista Longtin

Religion &
Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
Indiana University Indianapolis
Communication Education and Training in Sciences and Health

William L. MacDonald

Fellow, YSAR
The Ohio State University at Newark
Supernatural Beliefs; American Religion; Science and Religion

Laurie Maffly-Kipp

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR Mentor, YSAR
Archer Alexander Distinguished Professor
University of Virginia
Mormonism; Religion and Globalization; African American Religions

Alyssa Maldonado-Estrada

Fellow, YSAR
Kalamazoo College

Andrew M. Manis

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of History
Middle Georgia State University
American & African-American Religion; American Civil Religion; Religion & the Civil Rights Movement

Christel Manning

Fellow, Biennial
Sacred Heart University
Sociology of religion; religion, gender, and family; Nones and secularity; marginal religions

Peter Manseau

Fellow, Biennial
Smithsonian Institution
Material Culture of American Religion

Gerardo Martí

Fellow, Biennial, Religion &
Professor of Sociology
Davidson College
Religion; Race and Ethnicity; Inequality; Innovation; Social Change

Lerone A. Martin

Fellow, Religion &, Biennial, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religion and Politics and Director of American Culture Studies Program
Stanford University
Religion in 20th Century US

Joel W. Martin

Fellow, YSAR
Wagner University

Timothy Matovina

University of Notre Dame
Latine Religion and Theology; Catholicism in the United States

Elizabeth McAlister

Fellow, YSAR
Professor, Religion & African American Studies
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
Afro-Caribbean religions; race theory; global evangelicalism

Melani McAlister

Fellow, Biennial
Professor of American Studies and International Affairs
George Washington University
US in the world; evangelicals in a global context; transnational culture; humanitarianism

Eugene B. McCarraher

Fellow, YSAR
Villanova University

Michael Brandon McCormack

Biennial, Religion &
University of Louisville

Charles McCrary

Eckerd College

Gerald R. McDermott

Fellow, YSAR
University of Roanoke

John T. McGreevy

Notre Dame University

Omar M. McRoberts

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR Mentor
University of Chicago

Laura McTighe

Fellow, YSAR
Florida State University
Abolition; Mutual Aid; Reproductive Justice; Collaborative Ethnography

Carolyn Medine

Fellow, Biennial
Professor of Religion and Professor and Director, Institute for African American Studies
University of Georgia
Religion and Literature; theories of religion; African American Religions and Literatures

Samira K. Mehta

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Assistant Professor
University of Colorado, Boulder
Religious History in the US; Jewish history in the US; gender and sexuality; religious diversity

Corey Miles

Religion &
Assistant professor of sociology and Africana studies
Tulane University

Kyle Minor

Associate Professor of English, Director of Creative Writing, Director of IAHI
Indiana University Indianapolis
English; Creative Writing

Kenzie Mintus

Religion &
Indiana University Indianapolis

William A. Mirola

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Professor of Sociology
Marian University
Religion and social class inequality; social movement activism

John Modern

Fellow, YSAR
Professor, Religious Studies
Franklin and Marshall College
History; Religion; America; Technology; Aesthetics

Besheer Mohamed

Religion &
Pew Research Center

Susanne Monahan

Fellow, YSAR
Montana State University

Andrew Monteith

Religion &
Elon University
Secularism; religion and power in American life

Deborah Dash Moore

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, Biennial
Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of History and Professor of Judaic Studies
University of Michigan
American Jewish History

Katherine Moran

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor of American Studies
St. Louis University
Catholicism in U.S. Culture; U.S. Empire; Transnational American Studies

Monique Moultrie

Biennial, Religion &
Georgia State University

Samuel Moyn

Religion &
Yale University

Max Mueller

Fellow, YSAR, Religion &
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Lincoln Mullen

Fellow, Religion &, Biennial, YSAR
Associate professor
George Mason University
American Religious History, Data-Driven History

Luis E. Murillo

Fellow, YSAR
Independent Scholar

Kristy Nabhan-Warren

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, Biennial, YSAR
Professor, V.O. and Elizabeth Kahl Figge Chair in Catholic Studies. Religious Studies and Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies
University of Iowa
American Catholicisms; Latina/x/o Religions; Sport and Religion

Carmen M. Nanko-Fernandez

Religion &
Professor of Hispanic Theology and Ministry; Director of the Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program; Director, Master of Arts in Hispanic Theology and Ministry.
Catholic Theological Union, Chicago
Latino/a theologies; theological education; sport and theology

D. Keith Naylor

Fellow, YSAR
Occidental College

Lynn Neal

Fellow, YSAR
Wake Forest University
U.S. Religious History; Religion and Popular Culture

Jessica Nelson

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Quincy D. Newell

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
Hamilton College
Religion in the American West; Gender, Race, Ethnicity; Mormonism

Mark Noll

Notre Dame University

Mary Ellen O’Connell

Religion &
University of Notre Dame

Patricia O’Connell Killen

Pacific Lutheran University
Religion and Culture in the Pacific Northwest; Catholicism in the U.S.

Kevin L. O’Neill

Fellow, YSAR
University of Tornonto

Robert Orsi

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR Mentor
Northwestern University

Joshua Paddison

Fellow, YSAR
Texas State University

Benjamin E. Park

Religion &
Associate Professor of History
Sam Houston State University
Religion and Politics; Mormonism; Antislavery; Religious Right

Jerry Park

Fellow, Biennial
Associate Professor of Sociology
Baylor University
Sociology of Race and Religion with a Focus on Asian Americans

Michael Pasquier

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religious Studies and History
Louisiana State University
American religious history; American Catholicism; Religion and Environment; Religion in U.S. South

Sara M. Patterson

Associate Professor of Theological Studies
Hanover College
Religion in the United States; Gender studies; Race, Ethnicity and religion

Rodger Payne

Fellow, YSAR
University of North Carolina Asheville
Religion in the South; American Catholicism

Elaine Peña

Fellow, Biennial, Editor, Religion &, YSAR
Associate Professor of American Studies
Washington University in St. Louis
Ritual; Borders and Boundaries; Geography of Religion; Performance Theory

Samuel Perry

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
University of Oklahoma
American Religion; Politics; Race; Families; Sexual Behavior

Kristian Petersen

Religion &
Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies
Old Dominion Uinversity

Anthony Petro

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Associate Professor of Religion and WGSS
Boston University
Religion & Politics in the modern US; religion & sexuality; visual culture; religion & medicine

Nichole Phillips

Religion &
Emory University
Church & Society; Religion & Politics; Faith & Science

Sarah Pike

Religion &
California State University, Chico

W. Scott Poole

Religion &
College of Charleston

Amanda Porterfield

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, Biennial
Emerita Professor
Florida State University
American Religious History

Jeremy Price

Assistant Professor of Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy in Urban Education
Indiana University Indianapolis
Antisemitism; Christian normaility in k12 education spaces

Gregory Price Grieve

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Sally M. Promey

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR Mentor
Yale University
Public Display; Visual/Material Cultures; Law; Politics; Space; Affect

Stephen Prothero

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR, YSAR Mentor
Boston University

Linda Przybyszewski

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of History
University of Notre Dame
Law and religion; legal history; cultural history

Ansley Quiros

Fellow, YSAR
University of North Alabama

Shari Rabin

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies and Religion
Oberlin College
American Judaism

Hussein Rashid

Biennial, Religion &
Harvard Divinity School

Marci Reaven

Independent Scholar

Kathryn Reklis

Fellow, Biennial
Associate Professor
Fordham University
Religion and Aesthetics; Atlantic World; American Evangelicalism

Leslie Ribovich

Fellow, YSAR
Trinity College
American Religion; Race & Religion; Religion in Public Life; Education

Sarah Riccardi-Swartz

Biennial, Religion &
Arizona State University

Susan Ridgely

University of Wisconsin-Madison
American Religions; Religion and Age; Catholicism

Jana Riess

Religion &
Religion News Service

Kathleen Riley

Fellow, YSAR
Ohio Dominican College

David Robertson

Religion &
Open University

Nancy Marie Robertson

Associate Professor of History; Associate Professor of Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Indiana University Indianapolis
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies; Race

William D. Romanowski

Calvin University

Candace Rondeaux

Religion &
Arizona State University

Jennifer Rycenga

Fellow, YSAR
San Jose State University

Robert Saler

Associate Professor of Religion and Culture
Christian Theological Seminary - Indianapolis
Eastern Orthodoxy; Conspiracy theories in the United States; Theological Placements in American Culture

Deepak Sarma

Religion &
Associate Professor of religious studies
Case Western Reserve University
Hinduism, South Asian Studies, Indian philosophy

John Schmalzbauer

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Professor & Blanche Gorman Strong Chair in Protestant Studies
Missouri State University
Religion in higher education; popular culture/media; Ozarks religion; religion and health

Katherine G. Schmidt

Religion &
Molloy University

Lauren (Chism) Schmidt

Programs and Operations Manager
Indiana University Indianapolis
Education; Religious Studies

Leigh Schmidt

Fellow, Religion &, YSAR Mentor, Biennial
Washington University in St. Louis
religion and politics; secularism; liberal religious movements

Jeffrey Scholes

Religion &
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Religion and Sports; Political Theology; American Evangelicalism

Kristin Schwain

Fellow, Religion &, YSAR
Associate Professor
University of Missouri
American art and religion; material and visual cultures of religions

Beth Schweiger

Fellow, YSAR
Independent Scholar

Todd Scribner

Religion &
Princeton University

David Sehat

Fellow, Biennial
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
U.S. Intellectual and Cultural History

John Seitz

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
Fordham University
U.S. religions; U.S. Catholicism

Jeff Sharlet

Religion &
Professor of English and Creative Writing
Dartmouth College

Morgan Shipley

Religion &
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Michigan State University

Lisa H. Sideris

Religion &
University of California, Santa Barbara

Danielle Sigler

Fellow, YSAR
University of Texas at Austin

Mark Silk

Trinity College
Religion and American Politics; Religion in Public Life; Civil Religion

Lois H. Silverman

Religion &, Biennial
Indiana University Indianapolis
Museums & Spiritual Experiences; Magical Sites & Objects; Well-Being

Kristy Slominski

Fellow, YSAR
University of Arizona
U.S. Religious History; Religion & Sexuality; Religion & Health

Fred Jr. Smith

Religion &
Emory University School of Law

Lawrence Snyder

Fellow, YSAR
Dean, Potter College of Arts & Letters and Professor of Religious Studies
Western Kentucky University
North American Religious History; Religious Pluralism; History of Western Christianity

Jeanette Reedy Solano

Religion &
California State University, Fullerton

Christopher Soper

Pepperdine University
Religion and Politics; Religion and Nationalism; European Islam

Josef Sorett

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
Columbia University

Jonathan Sparks-Franklin

Religion &
Independent Scholar

Julia M. Speller

Fellow, YSAR
Chicago Theological Seminary

John Stackhouse

Fellow, YSAR
Samuel J. Mikolaski Professor of Religious Studies
Independent Scholar

Eleanor J. Stebner

Fellow, YSAR
Simon Fraser University

Brian Steensland

Staff, Religion &
Project Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
Religion; Culture; Politics; Civil life in contemporary American society

Randall Stephens

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of American and British Studies
University of Oslo
American religion; pop music; the American South; conservatism; environmental history

Evelyn Sterne

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Associate Professor
University of Rhode Island
Modern US; New Religions; Communal Societies; Catholicism; Immigration

Brad Stoddard

Fellow, YSAR, Religion &
Assistant Professor
McDaniel College
Religion and Prisons; Entheogens; Critical Religion

Harry Stout

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
Yale University

Mira Sucharov

Fellow, Religion &, Biennial
Associate Professor
Carleton College
Jewish politics; Israel-Palestine; op-ed writing and social media engagement

Winnifred Fallers Sullivan

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
Indiana University Bloomington

Matthew A. Sutton

Fellow, Religion &, Biennial, YSAR, Editor
Distinguished Professor
Washington State University
US religion; politics and foreign policy

Angela Tarango

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
Trinity University
Native American Religions, Latino Religious Traditions, Pentecostalism, Material Christianity

Ann Taves

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR Mentor
University of California, Santa Barbara
American Religious History; Religious Experience; New Religious Movements

Sarah McFarland Taylor

Fellow, YSAR
Northwestern University

Stephen Taysom

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
Cleveland State University
New Religious Movements, American Religion in the long nineteenth century, ritual studies

Kate E. Temoney

Religion &
Montclair State University

Britt Tevis

Religion &
Syracuse University
American Jewish History; Legal History; History of Antisemitism

T. Paul Thigpen

Fellow, YSAR
Saint Thomas More College

Douglas Thompson

Fellow, Biennial
Professor of History
Mercer University
Civil Rights Movement-20th Century; American Religious History

Peter J. Thuesen

Staff, Religion &, Editor
Project Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
American Religion; Christian History

Scott L. Thumma

Fellow, Biennial
Professor of Sociology of Religion
Hartford International University
Congregational Studies, Megachurches, Nondenominationalism, US Religious Landscape

T. J. Tomlin

Associate Professor of History
University of Northern Colorado
Early American cultural and religious history

Alexia Torke

Associate Professor of Medicine, Associate Division Chief of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Indiana University
Ethics; Religion and Medicine; Medical Decisions; Spirituality in Medicine

James Treat

Fellow, YSAR
Unversity of New Mexico

Roberto Trevino

Fellow, YSAR
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Joseph L. Tucker Edmonds

Staff, Editor, Religion &
Associate Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
Black Theology; Womanist Thought; Alternative Christianities in the Black Atlantic; The role of scripture in African and African American Relgious Traditons

Nicole Myers Turner

Fellow, YSAR
Princeton University

John Turner

Religion &
George Mason University
Latter-day Saints; 17-c. New England; Evangelicals; American Judaism

Thomas Tweed

Biennial, Fellow, YSAR
University of Notre Dame
History and Historiography of American Religion

Daniel Vaca

Fellow, YSAR
Robert Gale Noyes Assistant Professor of Humanities
Brown University
economy and society (incl. business, consumerism, inequality); media; evangelicalism; spirituality

Mark Valeri

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
Professor of Religion and Politics
Washington University in St. Louis
Early American religion

Jonathan VanAntwerpen

Henry Luce Foundation

Daisy Vargas

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Assistant Professor
University of California Riverside
Latina/o/x religions; Catholic Studies

Grant Wacker

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
Gilbert T. Rowe Professor Emeritus
Duke University
American religious history, especially 20th century

Jenna Wagner

Religion &
Case Western Reserve University

Rachel Wagner

Biennial, Religion &
Ithaca College

David Walker Howe

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
Mormonism, Spiritualism, Technology, Magic, 19th-Century Popular Culture and Religion

Andrew Walker-Cornetta

Georgia State University

Wendy L. Wall

Binghamton University, SUNY

Jonathan L. Walton

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, YSAR
Dean of the Faculty of Divinity/ Presidential Chair In Religion & Society
Princeton Theological Seminary
African American Protestantism, social and cultural theory, Christian social ethics

Carlton Waterhouse

Howard University

Adrian Weimer

Fellow, YSAR
Associate Professor
Providence College
Colonial America; Religion and Politics; Puritanism; Resistance Theory

Isaac Weiner

Fellow, Biennial
Associate Professor
Ohio State University
Law; Sound; Work; Race; Pluralism

Judith Weisenfeld

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, Biennial
Agate Brown and George L. Collord Professor of Religion
Princeton University
African American Religious History; Religion and Race

Alexis Wells-Oghoghomeh

Fellow, YSAR
Assistant Professor
Stanford University
Religion and U.S. Slavery; Africana Religions; Women and Religion

Beth Wenger

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Moritz and Josephine Berg Professor of History; Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, School of Arts & Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
Jewish history and culture; gender, ethnic and religious history

Tisa Wenger

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Associate Professor of American Religious History
Yale University
Religious Freedom; U.S. Empire; Indigenous & Settler Colonial Studies

Aubrey Westfall

Fellow, Biennial
Associate Professor of Political Science
Wheaton College
Minority politics, immigration and citizenship, religion and politics, women and politics

Jeffrey Wheatley

Iowa State University

Kayla Renee Wheeler

Religion &
Xavier University
Black Islam, Islam in America, Fashion Studies, Material Culture, Bioethics

Rachel Wheeler

Fellow, YSAR, Religion &
Indiana University Indianapolis

Christopher White

Fellow, Biennial, YSAR
Professor of Religion
Vassar College
Religion & Science; Religion, Media, and Popular Culture; Spirituality

Andrew L. Whitehead

Staff, Religion &
Project Director
Indiana University Indianapolis
Christian Nationalism; Sociology of Religion

Clyde Wilcox

Georgetown University

Melissa M. Wilcox

Fellow, Biennial
Professor and Holstein Family and Community Chair of Religious Studies
University of California, Riverside
Queer & Transgender Studies in Religion; Gender & Sexuality; NRMs; Power, Oppression, and Resistance

Eric Lewis Williams

Religion &
National Museum of African American History and Culture

Peter W. Williams

Fellow, YSAR Mentor
University Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Miami University (OH)
Architecture; Anglicanism

Rhys Williams

Fellow, Biennial
Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology
Loyola University Chicago
Politics and Political Culture; Social Movements

Anne Blue Wills

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of Religious Studies
Davidson College
U.S. Protestant History and Culture (19th-20th Centuries); Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Religion

Jeff Wilson

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of Religious Studies and East Asian Studies
University of Waterloo
Buddhism in North America; Mindfulness; Unitarian-Universalism

Daniel Winchester

Purdue University

Douglas Winiarski

Fellow, YSAR Mentor, YSAR
University of Richmond
religion in early America; popular religion; material culture; Native American religions

Lauren F. Winner

Fellow, YSAR
Duke Divinity School

Joseph Winters

Religion &
Duke University

Patricia Wittberg

Emeritus Professor, Research Associate at CARA
Indiana University Indianapolis
Religious Organizations; Catholicism; Generational Change

Marianne S. Wokeck

Chancellor's Professor Emerita of History
Indiana University Indianapolis
Immigration; Ethnicity; History of the North Atlantic World

Janelle Wong

Religion &
Professor of American Studies, Government and Politics
University of Maryland

Richard L. Wood

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of Sociology (and former Senior Vice Provost and Interim Provost)
University of New Mexico
Sociology of religion; social movements; democratic theory; ethnographic methods

Onaje Woodbine

Religion &
American University

Nathaniel Wynne

Program Coordinator
Indiana University Indianapolis

David Yamane

Fellow, YSAR
Professor of Sociology
Wake Forest University
Sociology of Religion; American Gun Culture

Fenggang Yang

Fellow, Biennial
Professor of Sociology
Purdue University
sociology of religion; immigrant religion; religion in China

David K. Yoo

Fellow, YSAR
University of California Los Angeles
Asian American History/Studies; Ethnic Studies

Wendy W. Young

Fellow, YSAR
University of Florida

Grace Yukich

Fellow, YSAR, Religion &
Associate Professor
Quinnipiac University
sociology of religion; immigration; race; social movements

Hannah Zaves-Greene

University of Pennsylvania
American Jewish History; Migration; Disability; Gender and Sexuality

Valarie Ziegler

Fellow, YSAR, Biennial
Professor of Religious Studies
Depauw University
Religion in Popular Culture; Creation Museums; Peace; Activism
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