
Arthur E. Farnsley

Project Director

Arthur E. Farnsley II is Senior Research Fellow of the Center, Director of the Congregations and Cultural Polarization project, and data evangelist for the Association of Religion Data Archives. He served as Executive Officer of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) from 2007-2016. An expert in American religion and civil society, his books include The Bible in American Life (Oxford University Press, 2017); Flea Market Jesus (Cascade Books, 2012); Sacred Circles, Public Squares: The Multicentering of American Religion (Indiana University Press, 2005); Rising Expectations: Urban Congregations, Welfare Reform, and Civic Life (Indiana University, 2003); and Southern Baptist Politics: Authority and Power in the Restructuring of an American Denomination (Pennsylvania State University, 1994). His articles have appeared on the cover of both Christian Century and Christianity Today magazines.

Art has had more than $12 million in external funding, including two National Endowment for the Humanities grants to help high school teachers and community college instructors use religion content more effectively in their classrooms. Art is a graduate of Wabash College and Yale Divinity School. His PhD is from Emory University. He’s also 32-time national champion in knife and tomahawk throwing in the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association.

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